According to the Russian defense news agencies, Russia has already examined and developed her indigenous high technology based strategical  short range hypersonic cruise missile 3M22 Zircon. The Russian defence scientists recorded its hypersonic speed 5.0-6.0 Mach. Although 3M22 Zircon cruise missile has designed of maximum range 250 miles, its hypersonic speed will make it extremely difficult to intercept under current missiles defense technology system around the world.

3M22 hypersonic cruise missiles may be equipped on Kirov class nuclear powered battle cruisers  and also be used onboard next-generation nuclear powered attack submarines. Actually it will be performed heavily as a anti ship and anti aircraft missiles defense system.

On the other hand, Russia has a plan to insert the two giant battle cruisers with ten 3S-14 vertical launch systems and each 3S-14 launcher carries eight rounds. The addition of the 3S-14 will enable each ship to equip eighty cruise missiles onboard. The ships may be used a mix of 3M22 hypersonic short-range Zircon and long-range Kalibr cruise missiles.

Besides Russia has an another master plan to use 3M22 hypersonic short-range cruise Zircon missiles onboard nuclear powered attack submarines to survive in the blue water.


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